Category: Shakespeare

Macbeth: Equivocation – A little bit of Analysis
Tonight’s homework is to write up one of the examples of Macbeth’s equivocation that we discussed in class today. You should include: An outline of what equivocation Macbeth is engaging in A quotation that supports …

Macbeth: Tracking Macbeth’s Internal Crisis
Locate, between Act 1, Scene 1 and Act 2, Scene 2, 5 quotes from Macbeth that give us some insight into his deteriorating state of mind. Make sure you include information about the context of …

Macbeth Act 1, Scene 7 – Vaulting Ambition
Exploring Macbeth’s early intentions in the play.

Macbeth Act 1; Scene 3, The Blasted Heath
Translation of Banquo’s insights into the witches’ intentions.

Macbeth: Act 1, Scene ii: Homework
We’ve launched into the reading of Macbeth with visceral vigour. Tonight’s homework is to translate the following (spoken by the bleeding and bloody Sargeant about the events in a recent battle) into contemporary English