Category: Homework

Homework: To-morrow, To-morrow and To-morrow – What’s going on inside Macbeth’s head now
In preparation for Friday’s lesson where we will analyse the Language, Structure, Semantics and the use of dramatic devices in Macbeth’s famous speech, please write a short summary of what you think is going on …

Macbeth: Equivocation – A little bit of Analysis
Tonight’s homework is to write up one of the examples of Macbeth’s equivocation that we discussed in class today. You should include: An outline of what equivocation Macbeth is engaging in A quotation that supports …

Macbeth: Tracking Macbeth’s Internal Crisis
Locate, between Act 1, Scene 1 and Act 2, Scene 2, 5 quotes from Macbeth that give us some insight into his deteriorating state of mind. Make sure you include information about the context of …

Macbeth Act 1, Scene 7 – Vaulting Ambition
Exploring Macbeth’s early intentions in the play.

Macbeth: Act 1, Scene ii: Homework
We’ve launched into the reading of Macbeth with visceral vigour. Tonight’s homework is to translate the following (spoken by the bleeding and bloody Sargeant about the events in a recent battle) into contemporary English

Theme and Genre Study
We are pursuing a singular line of inquiry over the next two years, and as part of this it’s vital that we explore as many avenues in literature, philosophy and art that support the development of our understanding of the idea of ambition and the characters of those people who are driven by it.